
1. Scope and Manuscript Preparation:
Topics: Original, unpublished research in the subject which falls under the Scope of Journal, which is mentioned on the Homepage of Journal.
Format & Structure: Manuscripts should be formatted in a clear and concise manner, including an Abstract (up to 350 words), Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, and References. Use Times New Roman, 12-point font, 1.5x-spaced.
Figures and Tables: High-resolution images and figures should be provided. Each figure/table should have a descriptive caption. Supplementary materials can be submitted if necessary.

2. Submission Process:
Online Submission: Manuscripts must be submitted through the journal’s online submission system. First-time users will need to register.
Cover Letter: Include a cover letter explaining the significance of the research, the novelty of the findings, and why it's suitable for the Journal of Applied Optics.
Formatting Guide: Adhere strictly to the journal's formatting guidelines available on the website.

3. Peer Review Process:
Review Type: Submissions undergo a rigorous double-blind peer review process.
Suggested Reviewers: Authors are encouraged to provide the names and contact information of potential reviewers, though the final selection remains with the editors.

4. Ethics and Disclosure:
Conflict of Interest: Authors must disclose any potential conflicts of interest.
Research Ethics: All studies must comply with ethical standards regarding human and animal research.

5. Article Processing Charges (APCs):
Fees: The APC for publication in the Journal of Applied Optics is $750. This fee applies upon acceptance of the manuscript.

6. Copyright and Licensing:
Copyright: Journal retain copyright of the published work under the Journal.
Licensing: Published articles are distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial (CC BY-NC) license.

7. Supplementary Material:
Supporting Information: Supplementary files such as datasets, code, or additional figures can be submitted.
File Formats: Files shall be submitted only in Word, Excel, PDF and Text Format.

8. Post-Acceptance:
Proofs: Authors will receive galley proofs for final checking.
Corrections: Necessary corrections should be communicated promptly.

9. Publication:
Online Publication: Accepted articles are published online on a rolling basis.
Regular Issue Access: The journal follows a policy of being not an open-accessed journal.
Special Issue Access: All articles are accessible in an open-access format, ensuring wide dissemination.

10. Author Support and Contact:
Assistance: The editorial team is available for support at all stages of the publication process.
Contact Information: For queries, authors can contact or

Final Note:
Authors are advised to thoroughly read and understand the submission guidelines to ensure compliance and facilitate a smooth editorial process. Any queries or clarifications can be directed to the journal’s editorial office.