Postcolonial Literature: Interrogating Power, Identity, and Representation in the Global South
Postcolonial Literature, Power Dynamics, Identity Formation, Representation, Global SouthAbstract
The rich and diverse body of postcolonial literature, which emerged in the wake
of decolonization and explores the experiences of formerly colonized peoples in the Global South. Through textual analysis and historical contextualization, we investigate how postcolonial writers engage with themes of colonialism, imperialism, nationalism, and cultural hybridity. By foregrounding marginalized voices and perspectives, postcolonial literature challenges Eurocentric narratives and interrogates power dynamics, identity formation, and representation in the postcolonial world. Our research contributes to a deeper understanding of the complexities of colonial legacies and the ongoing struggles for self-determination, sovereignty, and cultural autonomy in postcolonial societies.
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