Break the Silence: Reproductive Health Conditions of Tribal Women in India
Right to Health, Traditional Medical Systems, Morbidity, Reproductive HealthAbstract
Tribal populations of India are the Indigenous groups. They form about 8.08 percent of total population. Tribal’s have been most vulnerable community in the unequal, domination and exploitation ridden society. Main purpose of the study is to find out primary healthcare (Public health) services are mostly invisible and neglected in the tribal community sector. In generally tribal's are children of nature so, their life style totally depending on natural habitats, are healthy, strong and happy. when west art look into the other side of the coin most of the tribal's are living in unhygienic living condition, poverty, illiteracy, morbidity, mortality, insufficient food availability, high rate of illnesses, non-availability of pre- or post -natal care, unsanitary conditions, absence of healthy education, poor mother and child health service, non – adoption of contraceptive etc., based on this the health status of tribal people is marked by all the negative features. To keeping aim of the research the present research work made an attempt to know about tribal’s health care system in general and more focus on health of the tribal women and their socio- economic conditions, on one hand, and the traditional cultural in the form traditional medical systems, on the other. And further to know present status of reproductive health of the tribal women in India. Whatever the information if it is available on reproductive health issues is comparatively very less. All the information available on the issue is mostly through the government agencies. To frame overall picture with respect to tribal reproductive health related to mortality, food, marriage, family planning practice, breast- feeding, child care and nutrition is not encouraged much. The problems of reproductive health remain less explore and problems of reproductive health are exclusive to women, whether tribal women or non-tribal women more or less inalienably entwined with socio- culture of silence in this'd men world.
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